
My undergraduate degree is over! Just finished the final degree show and had a great time celebrating with family and friends. Here’s a snap of one of my favourites from the exhibition. Can’t wait to start the masters course in September!





New Paintings!

I’ve been working on some new larger paintings (40″x40″) for my final year degree exhibition. Here’s one that I just finished this afternoon 🙂


Sea Diver 40″x40″ Acrylic on canvas. March 2016

After looking at some beautiful underwater photographs of coral and sunlight streaming through the water, I decided to again attempt to paint the experience and feeling of diving into the ocean. I like how the darker shadowy depths contrast with the joyful outbursts of bright and warm colours, similarly to how the calm and cold sea contrasts to the elated feelings of the diver.

Cadair Idris at sunrise

Much, much earlier this morning myself and some friends took a trip up Cadair Idris in the dark to wait to see this glorious sunrise appear. As the sun crept up it illuminated this incredible reflection on the mountain lake. These little studies are a bit more figurative than usual; I just couldn’t help wanting to capture the exact beauty of the mountain peak at sunrise!

New Work!

Here are my two final pieces from my work last terms. I used a lot more layers than previously and my paintings seem to refuse to become less colourful!

Jetty Jumping!


This little painting I did after going for a swim and jump of the harbour jetty in Aberystwyth last weekend. I tried to capture the combination of nerves and adrenaline in this study. Although it was a cold and grey day the adrenaline kept us warm! The texture of the painting is quite thick with lots of scratches and quick brush marks.

A painting to warm a home…

Shall clap their hands

I just finished this painting for my sister and her new husband for them to take to their brand new home in London. I hope this will brighten the greyness of city life for them! My sister asked for a painting based on the Bible verses: “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” Isaiah 55:12. I tried to depict my own joy of being in creation and create a dynamic feel of movement in the painting.

Wonderful waves

Since the Summer term of uni is over lots of my good friends have had to say goodbye, as they have finished their degrees. I have recently been working hard painting lots of small boards so that I can give some away as presents. These paintings are of water so that my friends won’t forget their time living on the Welsh coast in stormy Aberystwyth!

orange wave   pink wave II

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